Cost of US Longest War - America’s longest war What's been gained Lost during 20 Years.
Official Figures
Since 2001, at least 47,245 civilians have been killed
72 journalists and 444 aid workers
war has killed 66,000 to 69,000 Afghan troops
war has forced 2.7 million Afghans to flee abroad
Another 4 million are displaced within the country
2,442 U.S. troops have been killed and 20,666 wounded in the war since 2001
It’s estimated that over 3,800 U.S. private security contractors have been killed
killed NATO coalition 1,144 personnel from the 40-nation NATO coalition that trained Afghan forces over the years
The remaining 7,000 allied troops also will withdraw
U.S. spent total $2.26 trillion a stunning total of $2.26 trillion on a dizzying
2020 report said war-fighting costs totaled $815.7 billion
Washington has poured over $143 billion goal since 2002
$88 billion went to training, equipping and funding Afghan military and police forces
Another $36 billion spent on reconstruction projects, education and infrastructure like dams and highways
It has also paid $296 billion in medical and other care for veterans,
the U.S. borrowed heavily to fund the war in Afghanistan and has paid $530 billion in interest
Over the Money spent What is Result?
the Taliban increased the amount of territory they control
unemployment hovers around 25%
The poverty rate increases to 47% high
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