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Saturday, May 1, 2021

The Conflict between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan - What Exactly is Happeni...

Who started it, why, what is happening at all: Answers to questions about the conflict between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan

What is known as of now? We will explain

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On the morning of April 29, the situation on the border of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan sharply worsened. There were open clashes and gun battles. Unfortunately, there were casualties.

Then there were parleys, and the situation calmed down a bit. However, as for the morning of April 30, shelling at the border continues to be recorded. In particular, the Kyrgyz site reported shelling of the Arka village, as well as shootings in many other border areas.

Why did the conflict start?
Let's start from afar. Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan are in constant conflict in border areas. They carry out delimitation and demarcation of the border. And so far only 580 km have been described out of about 980 km.

So, a few days ago, the conflict between the two countries escalated in the area of ​​the Main water distribution point in the head of the Isfara River, which both countries consider their own.

On April 28, the Tajik border service began installing CCTV cameras on power line poles in the disputed area. Kyrgyz demanded to stop work.

The situation was complicated by the appearance of locals on both sides of the border, who began local clashes (including the use of stones).

How did the conflict grow from a domestic to a military one?
The very next day, on April 29, fights began between the military of both countries. At the same time, the parties blamed (and continue to blame) each other for what was happening.

Several border posts were shelled on both sides. After the shootings in the conflict area, additional troops were concentrated, and Kyrgyzstan announced the evacuation of residents of nearby villages.

Are there any victims?
Yes, unfortunately.

As for the morning of April 30, according to the Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan, 13 people died and 134 were injured.

How is the conflict resolved?
They are trying to solve it diplomatically.

On the evening of April 29, it became known that the parties had agreed to a ceasefire at the border at 5 pm (Kyiv time) and to withdraw troops to their former locations.

However, as is already known, it has not yet been possible to completely ceasefire.


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